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About Dr. John Ziehr
My passion is to guide people into a life of overflowing abundance.
- FREE… from Isolation
- FREE… to be Happy
- FREE… from Emotional Pain
- FREE… to Love
- FREE… to Receive Love
- FREE… to Connect
- FREE… from Stress
- FREE… to Enjoy Life
- FREE… from Self-Sabotage
- FREE… from Guilt & Shame
- FREE… to Fully Express Yourself
- FREE… from Anger & Bitterness
- FREE… to be Successful
- FREE… from Inner Conflict
My experience as a pharmacist, chiropractor, pastor, pastoral counselor and an energy healer gives me a unique perspective as well as a diverse set of tools. I received my bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy from the University of Wisconsin in 1978; I earned a Doctor of Chiropractic from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa in 1985 and my Master of Divinity from Trinity Theological Seminary in Newburg, Indiana in 2000. In addition, I am an ordained minister with over 15 years of pastoral counseling experience. I am Certified in Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET), The Emotion Code and the Body Code.
I have combined my thirty years of experience as a healer and twenty years as a pastor/pastoral counselor with a revolutionary new approach developed by Dr. Bradly Nelson to create the Beyond Betrayal System. Using this completely new approach we can effortlessly remove the interferences (blocks) so you can stop hurting and start living. Life is too short to live with a broken heart.
Beyond Betrayal System Developer

Phone 719.271.1236